
BloodTrack® HaemoBank™

The HaemoBank™ blood storage system is a module within the BloodTrack® software suite of solutions. It combines the BloodTrack®OnDemand™ software with an intuitive, user-friendly storage device creating an innovative solution that provides clinicians with safe, fast access to individual blood products where and when they are needed.

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BloodTrack HaemoBank
BloodTrack HaemoBank

The BloodTrack® HaemoBank™ can help your organization:

  • Control and monitor access
  • Provide visibility and traceability
  • Safely improve blood product availability
  • Eliminate the need to crossmatch and label blood products in advance
  • Manage unassigned, crossmatched and emergency blood products and plasma derivatives
  • Quickly allocate the right blood product where and when it's needed

For more information, watch the video below and visit the BloodTrack® HaemoBank™ page on the Haemonetics website

How the BloodTrack® HaemoBank™ works
  1. When a patient needs a transfusion, authorized user goes to the HaemoBank device and identifies themselves as well as the patient.
  2. The BloodTrack software communicates with the Blood Bank Information System (BBIS) to determine ABO-Rh and eligibility of the patient.
  3. The BloodTrack OnDemand™ software selects an appropriate unit and an electronic crossmatch is performed by the BBIS.
  4. The blood is then automatically dispensed by the HaemoBank device, labeled, and verified.
  5. The unit is now ready to be delivered to the patient for transfusion.